
16. Barbero, The Battle, p. 63.

17. Louis Canler, Mémoires de Canler, ancien chef du service de sûneté (Brussels and Leipzig, 1862), p. 12

18. Ibid., pp. 13–14.

19. Quoted in Andrew W. Field, Waterloo. The French Perspective (Barnsley, 2012) p. 51.

20. Jean Charras, Histoire de la campagne de 1815, Waterloo (Brussels, 1857), p. 255.

21. See Field, Waterloo. The French Perspective, p. 57.

22. Barbero, The Battle, pp. 72–3.

23. See Bernard Coppens and Patrice Courcelle, La Haie-Sainte, Waterloo 1815, Les Carnets de la Campagne, 3 (2000) on this issue. See also Glenn van den Bosch, ‘The importance of maps at the battle of Waterloo’, Brussels International Map Collectors’ Circle, May 2008, 15–17.

24. Field, Waterloo. The French Perspective, p. 57.

25. Jean-Baptiste Drouet, comte d’Erlon, Le Maréchal Drouet, comte d’Erlon. Vie militaire écrite par lui-même et dédieé à ses amis (Paris, 1844), p. 97.

26. See Barbero, The Battle, p. 153.


1. Gareth Glover (ed.), The Waterloo Archive. Volume II: German Sources (Barnsley, 2010), p. 135.

2. Mark Adkin, The Waterloo Companion (London, 2001), p. 298.

3. Quoted in Alessandro Barbero, The Battle. A New History of Waterloo (London, 2005), p. 130.

4. Heinrich Dehnel, Erinnerungen deutscher Offiziere in britischen Diensten aus den Kriegsjahren 1805 bis 1816 (Hanover, 1864), p. 287.

5. N. Ludlow Beamish, Geschichte der Königlich Deutschen Legion (2 vols., Berlin, 1906), vol. 2, p. 381.

6. See the description by Edward Cotton, A Voice from Waterloo (London, 1974, first published 1849), p. 32, and that of Jonathan Leach, Rough Sketches of the Life of an Old Soldier (London, 1831), p. 387, 當時他正在農舍旁。

7. Quoted in Gareth Glover (ed.), The Waterloo Archive. Vol. IV: British Sources (Barnsley, 2012), p. 217.

8. John Kincaid, Adventures in the Rifle Brigade in the Peninsula, France and the Netherlands from 1808 to 1815 (London, 1830, reprint Staplehurst, 1998), p. 164.

9. As described in Emanuel Biedermann, Erinnerungen, Wanderungen, Erfahrungen and Lebensansichten eines froh- and freisinnigen Schweizers (2 vols., Trogen, 1828), vol. 1, p. 190.

10. Thus ibid., pp. 190–91.

11. For a perfectly plausible alternative view see David Buttery, Waterloo. Battlefield Guide (Barnsley, 2013), pp. 81–4 (with map on p. 80).

12. See Adkin, The Waterloo Companion, p. 343.

13. Louis Canler, Mémoires de Canler, ancien chef du service de sûreté (Brussels and Leipzig, 1862), p. 13.

14. Ibid.

15. Cotton, A Voice from Waterloo, p. 53.

16. Leach, Rough Sketches, p. 387.

17. John Kincaid, Adventures in the Rifle Brigade and Random Shots from a Rifleman London, and 1835, this edition London, 1981), pp. 165–6.

18. Quoted in Friedrich Lindau, A Waterloo Hero. The Reminiscences of Friedrich Lindau, edited and presented by James Bogle and Andrew Uffindell (London, 2009), p. 167.

19. See Hippolyte de Mauduit, Les Derniers jours de la grande armée ou sourenirs, documents et correspondance inédite de Napoléon en 1814 et 1815 (Paris, 1848), pp. 333–4.

20. There is an evocative account in Adkin, Waterloo Companion, p. 166.

21. See Philip Elliot-Wright, Rifleman. Elite Soldiers of the Wars against Napoleon (London, 2000), pp. 73–81.

22. See Bernhard von Poten, ‘Georg Freiherr von Baring, Königlich Hannoverscher Generallieutenant: 1773–1848. Ein Lebensbild auf Grund von Aufzeichnungen des Verstorbenen und von Mittheilungen der Familie’, Militär Wochenblatt 55, and E. Grosse and Franz Otto, Waterloo. Gedenkbuch an das glorreiche Jahr 1815 (Leipzig, 1865), p. 54.

23. Ludwig von Wissel, Ruhmwürdige Thaten, welche in den letzten Kriegen von Unteroffizieren und Soldaten der englisch-deutschen Legion und der hannoverschen Armee verrichtet sind. Aus zuverläs sigen Nachrichten zsgest. von Ludwig von Wissel (Hanover, 1846), p. 130.

24. Thus the eyewitness account of Leach, Rough Sketches, p. 387 and Kincaid, Adventures in the Rifle Brigade, p. 166.

25. Bernhard Schwertfeger, Geschichte der Königlich Deutschen Legion, 1803–1816 (2 vols., Hanover, 1907) vol. 1, pp. 605–6.

26. Christoph Heise to Captain Benne, 4.12.1840, in Gareth Glover (ed.), Letters from the Battle of Waterloo: Unpublished Correspondence by Allied Officers from the Siborne Papers (London, 2004), p. 231.

27. Account of Captain Frederick von Gilsa, Eimbeck, 9.12.1840, in ibid., pp. 225–6.

28. See N. Ludlow Beamish, History of the King’s German Legion, (2 vols., London, 1832–7), vol. 2, p. 512.

29. Christoph Heise to Captain Benne, 4.12.1840, in Glover (ed.), Letters from the Battle of Waterloo, pp. 231–2. On Sander see Adolf Pfannkuch, Die königlich deutsche Legion, 1803–1816 (Hanover, 1926), p. 243.

30. See Poten, ‘Georg Freiherr von Baring’, p. 60 and Wissel, Ruhmwürdige Thaten, p. 60.

31. Dehnel, Erinnerungen deutscher Offiziere, p. 288.