Then they came out of the narrow valley and at once she saw the reason.There stood Peter and Edmund and all the rest of Aslan’s army fighting desperately against the crowd of horrible creatures whom she had seen last night;only now,in the daylight,they looked even stranger and more evil and more deformed.There also seemed to be far more of them.Peter’s army-which had their backs to her——looked terribly few.And there werestatues dotted all over the battlefield,so apparently the Witch had been using her wand.But she did not seem to be using it now.She was fighting with her stone knife.It was Peter she was fightin-both of them going at it so hard that Lucy could hardly make out what was happening;she only saw the stone knife and Peter’s sword flashing so quickly that they looked like three knives and three swords.That pair were in the centre.On each side the line stretched out.Horrible things were happening wherever she looked.

“Off my back,children,”shouted Aslan.And they both tumbled off.Then with a roar that shook all Narnia from the western lamp-post to the shores of the eastern sea the great beast flung himself upon the White Witch.Lucy saw her face lifted towards him for one second with an expression of terror and amazement.Then Lion and Witch had rolled over together but with the Witch underneath;and at the same moment all war-like creatures whom Aslan had led from the Witch’s house rushed madly on the enemy lines,dwarfs with their battleaxes,dogs with teeth,the Giant with his club(and his feet also crushed dozens of the foe),unicorns with their horns,centaurs with swords and hoofs.And Peter’s tired army cheered,and the newcomers roared,and the enemy squealed and gibbered till the wood re-echoed with the din of that onset.