

在榴彈炮(左側)準備就緒時,美國瑪爾斯特遣隊的擔架員把受傷美軍擡到救護站進行救治。這名士兵在中美兩軍竭盡全力殲滅史迪威公路(Stilwell Road)的日軍堡壘的過程中負傷。在盟軍迫使敵方從緬甸北部撤退的同時,中美兩國的工程兵正十萬火急地趕工修路。這條貫穿緬甸、連接中國、印度的陸路補給通道於1945年1月28日正式通車。

2/6/45Wounded American Soldier Carried To First Aid Station in Burma

Litter bearers of the U.S.Mars Task Force carry awounded American soldier to afield aid station for treatment while ahowitzer(left)is ready for action.The soldier was wounded while American and Chinese forces battled to clear the Japanese from their strongholds along the Stilwell Road.As Allied troops forced the enemy to retreat from north Burma,Chinese and American engineers rushed construction work and the overland supply route from India through Burma to China was opened to traffic on Jan.28,1945.